This is where you will find resources related to general productivity, time management, writers block, motivation & inspiration, etc.

I’m stilling compiling and have way more than what you see. So comeback often to see what’s been added!


Why Do You Write? video from Chris Fox’s Motivation series

Habitica is an RPG game style habit/productivity tracking app for your phone. You make a list of things you need to do every day, and every time you check something off your in game 8-bit character levels up and defeats bad guys. If you DON’T complete a task, however, then your character suffers, bwahaha. You can join guilds with other members and take on quests together. You can even collect and raise steeds! It’s the easiest way to have fun and be productive. If your a gaming geek like me, go check it out!


Time Management

You Think You Don’t Have Time to Write episode from the Writing Excuses podcast