Hi There!

So I’m guessing this whole home page thing is supposed to be a sort of sample of what to expect from this website? And I bet that header image up there has you questioning.

Well I’m a generally crafty lady who likes to crochet; I devote myself to outrageously sized arts & crafts projects without thinking first (but definitely crying about it later); and I can’t stop thinking about the hundreds of story ideas that keep popping up in my head that no one will write…so I’m gonna try writing them myself…*fingers crossed*

And I have no idea how much of that is actually going to end up on here, besides the writing, but I know that if I’m gonna write books and sell them then I need to make myself accessible to the public. So…

So far this site consists of:

— A lovely collection of pages full of writing resources I’ve collected over the years. This is probably the most useful portion of the site really.

— A blog where I ramble about writing. Don’t even think for a moment you’re gonna get any real educational value out of that one.

— An about me page, because why not.

— Links to my social media pages where I’ll probably be a bit more active than I am here…but I make no promises.

And that’s the end of the tour, hope you had a good time. Please check your seats for any belongings before deboarding, because we will not be making any efforts to return any lost items. Have a nice day!

What I’m reading this month:

on goodreads

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